
So many talents, such a good kid!! Oliver and family has been a fun and big part of our lives the last four years. Oliver is adventurous and talented in everything he does! Oliver wanted his senior portraits at his favorite locations. We already shared him working in the bike shop where he started out […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021

Oliver in the foothills…

E! (eeeeeee) You are one handsome kid! I’m so proud of you! To be family friends for so long and to watch you grow up is a bit surreal. How did we get here? I mean, I swear you kids were just in 2nd grade together!! I’m so thankful to be the one who captured […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021

Ethan’s Spring Session…

I have known Izzy’s dad since 8th grade!! I mean, that was just not that long ago, right?!! This last year with my oldest graduating and then the honor of capturing families and seniors of people I went to school with has officially made me feel O-L-D. Well, kind of. I still think I’m 27 […]

Family, High School Senior

July 30, 2021


Ok, can we all agree that this first picture of Ryan and his dog should be a puzzle, big poster, big framed art print? I have all the feels when I look at this love between a boy and his dog! Ryan got senior portraits and family portraits at the end of his senior year. […]

Family, High School Senior

July 30, 2021

Ryan Raad & Family…

Dawson has graduated but not before we finished his fourth and final Season Senior Session. The spring session was capturing Dawson by himself but also with family After the kids graduate it is so hard to get the family all in one place for family portraits so I always recommend an updated family portrait with […]

Children, Family, High School Senior

July 30, 2021

Dawson & Family…

The minute I met Summer, I just loved her! She is gorgeous and kind and tough as nails! She is so talented and so cool!! Summer plays Rugby and has bruising to prove it! Oh my gosh! I have personally never watched a rugby game but it seems fun and intense! Summer chose the spring […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021

Beautiful Summer…

Garrett finished up his last season senior session! We captured so much of Garrett, his hobbies, his personality, and his changes throughout the year. Garrett is headed to LCC to play baseball and spread his wings. As silly as that saying might sound, it is true!! So many changes in the last year but now […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021


Oh miss Harley girl!! I have watched you grow up for many years now. I have watched you grow into such an amazing human being! We spent the last year capturing YOU! All your hobbies, interests, changes, and what’s to come in the near future…ARMY!! This session was your last season senior session. It was […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021

Harley girl…

This sweet and sassy girl chose the beautiful blooming orchards for her fourth and final season. She is one incredible young lady. She not only graduated high school a year early, she is already in college! I have no doubt she is moving mountains and making a difference in this world! Thank you, McKalee for […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021

McKalee’s Spring Session…

The rim is his moms that she nailed to a tree as kid and shot millions of shots on. This is why I do what I do. Everyone has a story. Every story is unique and amazing. This image right here has so much meaning, and so much story. This image right here brings tears […]

High School Senior

July 30, 2021



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