Zeke was born full term when he turned 7 month old he ended up with the rotavirus and he began getting really sick. After months of not having an interest in eating, he was diagnosed with failure to thrive and was given a tube. He then struggled to gain weight so they gave him a central line for about a year and was diagnosed with asthma and reflux after trying every possible medication. He would still vomit every feeding so they gave him a fundoplication surgery. He has arthritis, severe sinus disease, and a chromosone issue. They think he’s having possible silent seizures. He stops breathing in his sleep. His stomach is very delayed and doesn’t empty. He haf a gastric pacemaker put in. He has had many hospital stays, over a million lab draws, over 50 surgeries, and he was diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency and recieves injections every night. He sees specialist after specialist and there is no main diagnosis yet. His Facebook page is called Mighty Man Zeke.
He is 7 and still on a g-tube. He is still struggling with weight gain. He looks healthy on the outside, but the inside of his body is very sick.
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